The Political Agenda

With the current political landscape, leaders and other figure heads have been creating a divisive atmosphere with the help of the paid for media.

Trudope is not affiliated with any particular party and is not giving out endorsements to any one political party or figure. Our goal is to provide the necessary information to the people in order for them to make informed decisions based on truth and fact.

About the Political NFTs

The political NFTs are going to focus on key points of contention between the people on every side. From there, we will gather the facts that are associated with each point and deliver the truth with verifiable links to information. We will also provide a synopsis of what is actually being said or done.



Each topic being discussed will belong to a sub-set within the collection. This means that each one will have at least one other that would combine to complete the sub-set.


There will be standard meta-data applied to each NFT which will be visible on other platforms, such as Opensea. However, there will be a proprietary layer which will only be viewable on our site. This will contain all of the verified information as it pertains to the topic.


Each collection will contain 8 1:1 unique images. These unique NFTs will be based off of one specific topic and will be dressed accordingly.


The political NFTs will come with 8 buyer's choice unique images. They will get to choose from a list of topics from which our artist will style up their choice. The will also be able to select the quote and background to go along with it.


The dope meter for the political NFTs will cover the good, the stupid, and the cover-ups. With the weighted values, we will provide you with a score out of a total of 5 points. The higher the number, the worse the person of interest is.

Dope Meter Rankings

The political NFT dope meter is broken down into the following three categories:

The formula used to calculate the the dope meter score is shown below (d = dope score, g = good/beneficial topic count, s = stupidity topic count, c = cover-up topic count, wg/ws/wc = weighted value from each category, t = total number of topics).

d=((gwg)+(sws)+(cwc))/td = ((g * wg) + (s * ws) + (c * wc)) / t

The higher the number, the worse the subject is for the constituents within their region. This can be compared to others in order to make a quick glance rank of how they stack up.

The dope meter is not to be considered political advice, but rather a reference point in to comparing factual events. Please ensure to review all topics and to make your own decisions. If you have found any discrepancies, please contact us immediately with your concerns.

Last updated